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发布时间:2017-09-01 19:31:14 所属栏目:创业 来源:真格基金
导读:副问题#e# 知道我为什么乐成了吗? 来历| 真格基金(ID:zhenfund) 作者 |徐小平 乐成的法门是什么?勤劳,刚毅,聪颖,好命运……也许都是必备要素之一。但 40 岁才见奇迹起步的徐小平先生有本身的乐成法门。 30 年前,他来到加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学,得到全额

满怀着挚爱之情,我想起我的研究生导师 David Kaplan 博士的仁爱胸怀。熟悉他的人,城市感想熟悉他是一种荣幸。他是音乐系的首创人。对付我们外国留门生而言,他是淙淙流淌的情意、辅佐和勉励的源泉。Kaplan 博士是我生掷中一盏明灯,指引着我像他辅佐我一样去辅佐别人。

With special affection, I recall the generous spirit of Dr. David Kaplan. If you knew him, it was a privilege.  He was the founder of the music department. To many foreign students, he was a source of constant help, friendship, and encouragement. Often in my life, Dr. Kaplan’s example has shined before me, a reminder to share with others as he shared with me.



I received so much from the University in those years, but life beyond campus was not nearly as forgiving. Upon graduation, it didn't take long for me to realize that I would not make my fortune as a performing musician. As much as the world loves the sounds of Mozart and Bach, the world was not waiting to hear them from my violin. I started my own music business, but business was slow. I wrote and recorded folksongs, but the folks were not listening.

这段时刻对付我来说简直是举步维艰。我在家看孩子,靠我老婆教书养家。我也实行做过各类百般的事变,个中一种事变,对速率节拍和交割时效要求极高——在座假若有人在 1995 年叫过必胜客披萨的外卖,我们很也许曾经有缘邂逅(笑声)。

It was truly a difficult period for me. I watched our children at home while my wife taught school. I took various jobs, including one job that involved fast-paced and time-sensitive transactions. If anyone here received a delivery from Pizza Hut in 1995, there is a good chance we have met before.



I do not recommend a period like that in your own careers, if you can avoid it. But sometimes it happens anyway. That doesn’t have to be the end.  It can even mark a late beginning, as it did for me. Even in my darkest moments, I had a sense of who I was and what I could do. More than once I failed, but I refused to give up. I knew in my heart that I was here on earth to achieve good and meaningful things. I never let any failure take that conviction away.


Sustained by this feeling, I went back to China and joined a small English school in Beijing called New Oriental. China had opened up and many young people were eager to see the world. I threw myself into the work of helping them find opportunities to study abroad. I shared everything I knew to serve them in every way I could.




