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发布时间:2018-11-21 05:25:54 所属栏目:电商 来源:Bill Gates比尔盖茨
导读:(原标题:比尔·盖茨:如果你想了解硅谷,就看《硅谷》吧) 考虑到硅谷对我们生活的巨大影响,令我惊讶的是,很少有流行文化能展现出它的真实情况。最好的作品,我用一只手就能数过来。《硅谷之火》(Fire in the Valley)这本书很好地记录了早期的情况,

The accuracy is well-earned. The producers and writers do a lot of research before each a new season of the show. Last summer I was one of several people they met with to talk about the history of the industry and kick around some of their ideas for season 5. (They didn’t give me any spoilers, though.)


