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发布时间:2021-12-31 13:15:43 所属栏目:编程 来源:互联网
导读:这篇文章给大家分享的是有关php消息队列原理以及实现的内容。对新手来说,消息队列是PHP学习中比较难理解的知识,因此这篇文章就给大家具体介绍一下php消息队列,下面我们就来具体看看。 1. 什么是消息队列 消息队列(英语:Message queue)是一种进程间通信
        1. 什么是消息队列
        消息队列(英语:Message queue)是一种进程间通信或同一进程的不同线程间的通信方式
        2. 为什么使用消息队列
        3. 什么场合使用消息队列
        MQ与RPC有什么不同? MQ通常传递无规则协议,这个协议由用户定义并且实现存储转发;而RPC通常是专用协议,调用过程返回结果。
        4. 什么时候使用消息队列
        ① 存储转发
        ② 分布式事务
        ③ 发布订阅
        ④ 基于内容的路由
        ⑤ 点对点连接
        5. 谁负责处理消息队列
        ① 开发者不用学习消息队列接口
        ② 开发者不需要关心消息推送与接收
        ③ 开发者通过统一的API推送消息        
        ④ 开发者的重点是实现业务逻辑功能
        6. 怎么实现消息队列框架
        下面是作者开发的一个SOA框架,该框架提供了三种接口,分别是SOAP,RESTful,AMQP(RabbitMQ),理解了该框架思想,你很容易进一步扩展,例如增加XML-RPC, ZeroMQ等等支持。https://github.com/netkiller/SOA,本文只讲消息队列框架部分。
        6.1. 守护进程
        每个实例处理一组队列,实例化需要提供三个参数,$queueName = '队列名', $exchangeName = '交换名', $routeKey = '路由'
$daemon = new frameworkRabbitDaemon($queueName = 'email', $exchangeName = 'email', $routeKey = 'email');
        6.2. 消息队列协议
$msg = array(
    "Param" => array(
        $mail, $subject, $message, null
{"Namespace":"single","Class":"Email","Method":"smtp","Param":["netkiller@msn.com","Hello"," TestHelloWorld",null]}
        6.3. 消息队列处理
$this->queue->consume(function($envelope, $queue) {
    $speed = microtime(true);
    $msg = $envelope->getBody();
    $result = $this->loader($msg);
    $queue->ack($envelope->getDeliveryTag()); //手动发送ACK应答
    //$this->logging->info(''.$msg.' '.$result)
    $this->logging->debug('Protocol: '.$msg.' ');
    $this->logging->debug('Result: '. $result.' ');
    $this->logging->debug('Time: '. (microtime(true) - $speed) .'');
        public function loader($msg = null) 负责拆解协议,然后载入对应的类文件,传递参数,运行方法,反馈结果。
        Time 可以输出程序运行所花费的时间,对于后期优化十分有用。
        loader() 可以进一步优化,使用多线程每次调用loader将任务提交到线程池中,这样便可以多线程处理消息队列。
        6.4. 测试
        测试代码 https://github.com/netkiller/SOA/blob/master/test/queue/email.php
$queueName = 'example';
$exchangeName = 'email';
$routeKey = 'email';
$mail = $argv[1];
$subject = $argv[2];
$message = empty($argv[3]) ? 'Hello World!' : ' '.$argv[3];
$connection = new AMQPConnection(array(
    'host' => '',
    'port' => '5672',
    'vhost' => '/',
    'login' => 'guest',
    'password' => 'guest'
$connection->connect() or die("Cannot connect to the broker!n");
$channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);
$queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);
$msg = array(
    "Param" => array(
        $mail, $subject, $message, null
$exchange->publish(json_encode($msg), $routeKey);
printf("[x] Sent %s rn", json_encode($msg));
        7. 多线程
        上面消息队列 核心代码如下
$this->queue->consume(function($envelope, $queue) {
    $msg = $envelope->getBody();
    $result = $this->loader($msg);
namespace framework;
require_once( __DIR__.'/autoload.class.php' );
class RabbitThread extends Threaded {
    private $queue;
    public $classspath;
    protected $msg;
    public function __construct($queue, $logging, $msg) {
        $this->classspath = __DIR__.'/../queue';
        $this->msg = $msg;
        $this->logging = $logging;
        $this->queue = $queue;
    public function run() {
        $speed = microtime(true);
        $result = $this->loader($this->msg);
        $this->logging->debug('Result: '. $result.' ');
        $this->logging->debug('Time: '. (microtime(true) - $speed) .'');
    // private
    public function loader($msg = null){
        $protocol     = json_decode($msg,true);
        $namespace    = $protocol['Namespace'];
        $class         = $protocol['Class'];
        $method     = $protocol['Method'];
        $param         = $protocol['Param'];
        $result     = null;
        $classspath = $this->classspath.'/'.$this->queue.'/'.$namespace.'/'.strtolower($class) . '.class.php';
        if( is_file($classspath) ){
            //$class = ucfirst(substr($request_uri, strrpos($request_uri, '/')+1));
            if (class_exists($class)) {
                if(method_exists($class, $method)){
                    $obj = new $class;
                    if (!$param){
                        $tmp = $obj->$method();
                        $result = json_encode($tmp);
                        $tmp = call_user_func_array(array($obj, $method), $param);
                        $result = (json_encode($tmp));
                        $this->logging->info($class.'->'.$method.'("'.implode('","', $param).'")');
                    $this->logging->error('Object '. $class. '->' . $method. ' is not exist.');
                $msg = sprintf("Object is not exist. (%s)", $class);
            $msg = sprintf("Cannot loading interface! (%s)", $classspath);
        return $result;
class RabbitMQ {
    const loop = 10;
    protected $queue;
    protected $pool;
    public function __construct($queueName = '', $exchangeName = '', $routeKey = '') {
        $this->config = new frameworkConfig('rabbitmq.ini');
        $this->logfile = __DIR__.'/../log/rabbitmq.%s.log';
        $this->logqueue = __DIR__.'/../log/queue.%s.log';
        $this->logging = new frameworklogLogging($this->logfile, $debug=true);
        $this->queueName    = $queueName;
        $this->exchangeName    = $exchangeName;
        $this->routeKey        = $routeKey;
        $this->pool = new Pool($this->config->get('pool')['thread']);
    public function main(){
        $connection = new AMQPConnection($this->config->get('rabbitmq'));
        try {
            if (!$connection->isConnected()) {
                $this->logging->exception("Cannot connect to the broker!"
            $this->channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);
            $this->exchange = new AMQPExchange($this->channel);
            $this->exchange->setType(AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT); //direct类型
            $this->exchange->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); //持久�?
            $this->queue = new AMQPQueue($this->channel);
            $this->queue->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); //持久�?
            $this->queue->bind($this->exchangeName, $this->routeKey);
            $this->queue->consume(function($envelope, $queue) {
                $msg = $envelope->getBody();
                $this->logging->debug('Protocol: '.$msg.' ');
                //$result = $this->loader($msg);
                $this->pool->submit(new RabbitThread($this->queueName,
new frameworklogLogging($this->logqueue, $debug=true), $msg));
        catch(AMQPConnectionException $e){
        catch(Exception $e){
    private function fault($tag, $msg){
        throw new Exception($tag.': '.$msg);
    public function __destruct() {


